Wrongful Death Verdicts & Settlements
The experienced wrongful death lawyer team at Jacobson, Schrinsky & Houck have vast knowledge in getting the most advantageous verdicts and settlements for our personal injury clients. While we know it won’t heal your heart or your wounds, a personal injury lawyer can help you get the justice you deserve. So when the unthinkable happens, contact an expert Milwaukee wrongful death lawyer and let us get to work for you. There is no fee until we win.

The wife of a man killed when a semi-trailer truck made a sudden lane change without signaling, forcing his vehicle off the freeway, received $2.25 million. The result included not only maximum compensation for the loss of her husband, but also the value of all future wages and benefits he would have received during his expected work life.
The parents of two children killed when their mother’s vehicle was struck by a drunk driver received $2.4 million. That included not only maximum compensation for the loss of both children, but significant award damages for the mother since she was present at the time of the accident.
A surviving widow and her three children received $1.76 million in a wrongful death case arising from a truck accident.
A semi-trailer truck driver drove over a vehicle, instantly killing all four occupants, while bending over to reach for more peanuts. The Law Offices of Jacobson, Schrinsky & Houck represented the adult son survivors of two passengers and successfully obtained separate awards of $300,000 for each client (all up-front money). In addition, the insurance company paid the medical liens, funeral and all out-of-pocket expenses.
The mother of a child struck and killed by a school bus received the largest award in Wisconsin history for the wrongful death of a child. This result was obtained without a lawsuit needing to be filed.